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Christmas loans

A variety of Wellgrove’s horses and ponies will be available for short-term loans during the week between Christmas and New Year (27 – 30 December).

This scheme could be an ideal Christmas gift to your friend. Ponies may be looked after for the morning between 8.30am and 2pm and ridden for 40 minutes in the school. It is expected that they will be mucked out, groomed and loved in this time period!

All riders taking part in this scheme must be members of the Pony Club at Wellgrove, on the Helper Scehem, proficient at walk, trot and canter, and have ridden the pony/horse  before.

The price of this loan is £12 per day, or three days for £30. Please contact Emma on 07887 777 191 for details, and booking is on a first-paid, first-served basis.

Horses and ponies available: