Advanced payment vouchers and potential Christmas gifts
We can do vouchers at normal prices for lessons taken at any time of mutual choice in 2021. We also have on offer the following “specials”:
- Own a pony for three days – 28th,29th and 30th December or 4th, 5th and 6th January (7am-3pm). Muck out, groom, tack clean and take care of your favourite horse/pony, plus ride for 30 mins in school each day (staff supervised). £50. Must be booked by 10th December with Emma
- Own a pony for one day – 31st December (8am-1pm). Muck out, groom, tack clean and take care of your favourite pony plus have a group lesson with Emma £30 ( must be booked by 10th December with Emma)
- Christmas private lesson voucher days – 29th and 30th December and 7th and 8th January. Vouchers purchased by 1st December entitle riders to a £30 private lesson with Emma (usually £45) – ideal Christmas present.
Please text Emma to book: 07887 777 191.