Second Summer Camp results
Individual Best Camper – Hatty
Grubbiest Camper – Nina
Most annoying questions – Ava
Most Improved – Jess B
Bravest camper – Holly
Noisiest camper – Yasmin
Tidiest camper – Lara
Best Turkey lover – Imogen
Most competitive – Ruby
Most determined – Emilia
Most dramatic – Anna
Most improved horse – Doobs
Round the World- Emma s
Handy Pony- Victoria
Leading- Imogen
Cross country 1st-4th
Emma S, Victoria, Helena, Jessica B and Hattie
Ava, Holly, Emilia, Imogen
Dressage 1st-4th
Helena, Alice, Ruby, Hatty
Jessica S, Katelyn, Amelia, Lara
Barrel Racing 1st-4th
Ava, Hatty, Anna, Victoria
Show Jumping 1st-4th
Jessica K, Helena, Mimi, Emma N
Hatty, Anna, Emma S, Jess B