Pony Club test and ABRS results
Congratulations to the following Pony Clubbers for passing their E test: Lucy Delaney, Constance Michel, Francoise Michel, Ellie Burcombe, Lulu Turner- Townsend, Toby Sydenham, Charlotte Mealing, Tilly Hughes-Wilson, Robyn Burrows, Emily Scott, Emma Horgan, Laura Pepper, Will Graville, Vicky Thorne, Cydney Hines and Willow Hines.
For passing their Bronze Progressive 3: Eva Wilch, Cydney Hines, Willow Hines; and their Progressive 2: Emily Cunningham, Eva Wilch and Olivia Sparkes.
Congratulations to the ABRS Equitation candidates too. Emma Gower, Sophie Whittome, Lucy Landymore, Gemma Boorman and Red Robinson all passed their Equitation 1 and they all passed Stable Management also as did Sophie Gower.
Well done to all those who achieved their achievement badges today also, and good luck with the future plaiting practice!