Welcome to Wellgrove Farm Equestrian.
As from 6th August 2022, we will be running children's group riding sessions on Saturdays with the following timetable:
- 9am-10am: riders should be riding independently in walk trot and canter and be comfortable starting to jump
- 10am-11am: riders should be comfortable working independently in walk, trot and perfecting the canter
- 11am-12pm: riders should be independent in walk and trot and can be starting or nearly ready to canter
- 12pm-1pm: for riders on and off lead rein that need assistance or leading still.
- 1pm: loaners group lesson, for riders who loan Wellgrove horses and ponies
All rides will consist of a 30-minute riding lesson and a 30-minute organised pony care session and will cost £35 for an individual booked sessions and £300 for a booking of 10 sessions. The dates can be booked after payment and clients can move the date up to 36 hours before the session to an alternative date. If less than 24 hours notice is given, then unfortunately the session will still be charged for.
As from 8th September 2022, we will be running children's group riding sessions on Thursdays and Fridays after school, with the following timetable:
- Thursdays 4.30-5.30 pm: riders should be off lead rein
- Fridays 4.30-5.30 pm: riders should be off lead rein
Again rides will consist of a 30-minute riding session and a 30-minute organised pony care session and will cost as above with the same cancellation procedure as per Saturdays.
I will need everyone please to complete a Rider Reg form and to read the Conduct forms and return to me before first session, even if you have ridden with us before.
Pony Days
We will be running Pony Days 10am-2pm throughout the summer on the following dates:
- July: 9th, 21st, 28th
- August: 4th, 5th, 11th,12th, 18th, 25th
- September: 1st, 2nd
Riders will have a lesson and a ride out in these sessions. They are suitable for all levels, as we have various riding groups. Riders will need a packed lunch.
Please respond by email to [email protected] or by text to 07887777191 to arrange